Fujitsu TS looks to cloud growth in tough economic times

New CEO Rod Vawdrey unveils new products and services at Fujitsu Forum 2012
Fujitsu Technology Solutions (FTS) has announced its plans at the Fujitsu Forum event, attended by 10,000 customers and partners, to increase its cloud and services offerings, aiming to derive 30 percent of its new business through the cloud by 2015.
Addressing the audience at the Fujitsu Forum event was new CEO Rod Vawdrey, who said that the company will increase its focus on delivering cloud services, claiming 90 percent of companies will use some form of cloud by 2015. With cloud uptake increasing, Vawdrey highlighted that Fujitsu is anticipating almost a third of its new business will be cloud services by then.
Fujitsu claimed to have 3,000 cloud customers globally following the launch of its Cloud Store earlier this year, and the company is having to deal with strong demand for datacentre capacity.
Vawdrey announced he would take on responsibilities as CEO, but on a temporary basis: “As chairman of FTS I will also be taking on the additional role of CEO the resignation of Rolf Schwirz,” Vawdrey said. Schwirz resigned from the company last week.
Vawdrey highlighted the “unpredictable” market and tough economic environment, though pointed out that despite macroeconomic difficulties Fujitsu managed to attain flat growth in the first half of 2012, mentioning that many competitors had struggled. He added that customers experiencing challenging economic situations are now looking to the likes of Fujitsu to reduce costs.
The company restated its aim to increase its business outside Japan by 40 percent, though FTS was unable to say when that target was likely to be achieved. This will involve expansions in various emerging markets including Russia and India.
CTO Joseph Reger said the company would maintain a “balanced economy” through its portfolio, and committed to investing in developing hardware.
The company also launched a number of devices as part of its Windows 8 portfolio.
The Esprimo range was updated with touchscreen all in one desktops using Windows 8, as well as a new Futro thin client and the Display X display.
Fujitsu also launched its FlexFrame Orchestrator, aimed at expanding its datacentre management system to cover SAP HANA, as it increases its services using the big data analytics tool. The Orchestrator application will enable unified SAP HANA environments to be managed from one platform, and will be available for use with Fujitu’s competitors hardware, being released for the first time as a software appliance for third parties.
Fujitsu also gave a glimpse of its Personal Cloud workplace management systems, currently on trial with the possibility of a wider release to customers. The Personal Cloud enables access to a applications stored remotely through an HTML5 browser from any device, using password authentication.
A decision will be made in 2013 following the pilot, and it may be rolled out to more enterprise customers.