Saїd Business School event to explore big data questions

Hosts an event with panel discussions
The Saїd Business School is hosting an event exploring some of the big challenges facing businesses and looking into how we ‘Reset the Business Agenda’.
Commentators, critical thinkers and other experts will join the Oxford faculty, senior business figures and others to address three challenging questions on how the financial sector should be regulated to regain trust, how the flow of big data can be harnessed responsibly, and how complex organisations should be led in this decade.
The event will include a panel discussion on Changing the Rules of the Game chaired by Hector Sants (former Chief Executive of the FSA).
Joining him on the panel will be Sir Alan Vickers (Warden of All Souls), British economist, Chair of UK’s Independent Commission on Banking), Robert Peston a BBC Business News Editor, and Santander UK CEO Ana Botin.
Professor Alan Morrison, Saïd Business School Professor of Finance and Economic advisor to the House of Lords Treasury Select Committe, will also appear.
Discussing how the UK can responsibly harness the massive flow of big data will be Chair, Professor Peter Tufano who will be joined by David Kay, VP Sales, IBM UK & Ireland, Anand Rajaraman, SVP Global eCommerce, Walmart, Stephen Shelton , Head of Data Services, BAE Systems Detica and Major General Jonathan Shaw – a former Head of Cyber Security, MOD.
Saїd Business School and IBM will also present findings from a joint survey of the corporate adoption of big data in ‘Analytics: The real-world use of big data; how innovative enterprises extract value from uncertain data’.
Over 60 faculty members will discuss their work via twenty ‘poster sessions’ or clinics which will showcase some of the School’s latest research on subjects from healthcare to hi-tech start-ups, from consumer finance to non-profit enterprises, India, China, Africa and much more.
Hugo Dixon – a financial journalist and former editor of Lex – will close the Symposium.
The event will take place on 24 October 2013, 12.00pm – 6.30pm at the Saїd Business School, University of Oxford.