Datacore speeds up virtual datacentres

Datacore’s latest SANsymphony allows virtual datacentres to be constructed which run top tier software.
Storage software company DataCore is showing off its latest version of its SANsymphony 9.0 can speed up SAP, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Exchange products.
The company claims that the new software can speed up virtualized, I/O intensive tier 1 applications between two and five times and manage a 99.999 per cent uptime.
George Teixeira, CEO and President of DataCore Software sid that DataCore makes it more economic to virtualize tier 1 software as they build private clouds.
The DataCore storage hypervisor works with VMware to control the of server caches, solid state disks (SSDs) and existing storage assets so that application owners no longer need to ‘rip and replace’ storage infrastructures and pay higher costs to meet their performance objectives.
Performance decreases and downtime caused by I/O bottlenecks are the number one reason why enterprises are holding back from virtualizing their I/O intensive software.
Teixeira said that SANsymphony-V overcomes this by using device-independent adaptive caching and boosting techniques to absorb variable workloads so that applications run faster virtualised.
An ESG Lab Validation report, which benchmarked the software has apparently confirmed that Microsoft SQL Server and Exchange workloads were able to improve their performance by nearly five times.
One of the trickest things to do was run SAP software virtually, because the SAP system places the highest load and the greatest demand on both performance and on the need for availability.
Jurgen Bechtel, CIO of German manufacturer Mennekes said that running SAP could runs on DataCore, with more performance than on our previous storage systems.