Gartner: BYOD is the most hyped term

2012 Hype cycle shows BYOD, private cloud chatter dying down
Gartner has released its 2012 Hype Cycle report, highlighting ‘bring your own device’ (BYOD) as the most hyped term in the tech industry.
The latest report shows emerging trends pitted along Gartner’s hype graph, featuring the Peak of Inflated Expectations, Trough of Disillusionment and the Plateau of Productivity.
At the precipice of the mountain of hype then is the much bandied around term, BYOD. Widely discussed by vendors, journos, and even Gartner itself, the term is set to see real usefulness in the next two to five years analysts say. This is roughly in line with what ChannelBiz UK has heard from major vendors, with VMware and Toshiba variously telling us it is in its “adolescence” and “infancy”.
Hybrid cloud environments are also seen as towards the top of the most hyped chart, with an expectation of between five to ten years before expectations for the technology are finally reached. Chatter around private clouds is deemed to have died down in comparison, and is expected to reach maturity in the shorter timescale of two to five years. Cloud computing in general has become a more accepted term however.
A new addition to the chart, provided by Gartner since 1995, is big data, which, if Gartner is believed is only really beginning to be discussed. This is set to reach maturity in the next two to five years.