Adobe lifts lid on Creative Cloud services

$50 cloud subscription model will gain access to HTML5 creation tools
Adobe has announced its move into the cloud Creative Cloud service for collaboration in its range of software such as Photoshop, Dreamweaver and Indesign.
Following the release of the Adobe Creative Suite 6 update last week, customers paying the subscription fees will gain access to the range of imaging tools online and on mobile platforms with storage across desktop, mobile devices and the cloud.
Subscription costs $50 per month and will be available in 36 countries. Month to month subscriptions for the cloud service hike up to $75 per month, but discounts are available for those using older versions of Creative Suite. Educational use will also see discounts from the standard price.
Creative Cloud members will also be able to use Adobe Muse software, a tool to help create HTML6-based websites without writing code.
Adobe also announced two new Touch Apps with Adobe Proto and Adobe Collage available for iOS, alongside new features in Photoshop Touch.