Partners deliver on Raspberry Pi device

Demand exceeds supply
RS Components and Allied Electronics, two subsidiaries of Electrocomponents plc have started shipping the credit card sized computer board called Raspberry Pi.
The first batch are being sent to customers who registered for a Raspberry Pi from Allied and RS. The online store for Raspberry Pi sells USB cables, power supplies and SD memory cards, and if they are ordered at the same time, one shipping charge applies.
Glenn Jarrett, head of electronics marketing at RS Components said in a prepared statement that there had been “a huge of wave of anticipation and extraordinary levels of demand for Raspberry Pi.”
The demand must be great because he added, “we are working very closely with the manufacturer to bring subsequent batches of boards into stock so that we can fulfil every customer order for Raspberry Pi possible”.
The boards from RS and Allied cost £21.60 plus a shipping charge of £4.95. The concept was developed by Cambridge charity Raspberry Pi Foundation, and is aimed at helping children to learn programming.